All Hallow’s Eve is upon us again. The time for sugar comas, costumes, trunk or treats, trick or treating, scary movie marathons, haunted houses and all things creepy and unnerving. Halloween can be a struggle for a lot of Christians and it is easy to throw it to the wayside and not participate. I can totally relate to the reasons why and it is so important that we guard our hearts. But I have some different and unorthodox ideas about the subject.
This is why I celebrate Halloween
I believe in balance. Anything taken too far in one direction will do harm. In my estimation, Halloween is the last remaining holiday where total strangers come by my house to say hi. It’s the only time of year I get to see happy little faces dressed up in princess dresses, or Ninja costumes, or witches or zombies. OMG! They are so cute! And the teenagers! Don’t get me started! They are SO creative with their costumes! The creepy dolls and the great makeup artist attempts are just insane. Some do not dress up and I give them candy also because I am glad they came to visit too.
No rules for Trick or Treating.
There are no published rules for trick or treating. Many people make up arbitrary rules such as there is some kind of age limit and you have to be in costume. I treat it like Jesus would… All are welcome. I sit in my chair outside each year with every kind of chocolate candy and a basket of gluten/peanut free candy to share with these wonderful people who come to visit me. I play creepy sounds and music and decorate my porch so that they know “That lady has candy!” and it will be worth the walk up to my house.
I ask each of them questions about their costumes with a smile. I ask each why they like the candy they picked. They always answer. Most are polite and are very happy that someone took interest. As they leave I send them off with a blessing. It’s love. It’s that simple. I love them. I am so glad they came to visit. I hope they come again next year.
“Fear is the path to the dark side.”
It is very important that we guard our hearts from evil. It truly does exist in this world. Evil is around us every day and not on one singular day. As Yoda once said, “Fear is the path to the dark side.” Decisions made from fear are where evil takes root. Jesus compels us to choose love… every … single… time. No exceptions.
I made the choice to be a loving host on Halloween years ago. It is the one time of year that my door bell rings or there is a knock. I do not want to miss Jesus if he chooses to knock on Halloween. I am a follower of Christ. I choose to love on this holiday as every other day. But on this day, I get to show a lot more people that God loves them than I normally do!