This weekend I needed an adventure. You know sometimes, you just need to go somewhere different and break out of the ordinary. I needed that this weekend. I am waiting to get some results from two biopsies and who needs to sit at home and think about that on a long weekend? So an adventure was definitely in order.
Now, in my younger days when I did not have to consider others wants and preferences, I would have stolen away to some outdoor refuge and camped and hiked all weekend. Those days have been over for going on 20 years now. So my adventure was much more cliched. I took my teenage kids to Kings Dominion, a theme park near Richmond,Virginia.
There were some hiccups along the way, but we had a great time. My daughter brought a friend who had seasons passes with fast passes, so she was able to go on all the thrill rides without waiting. My son and I had to wait in line for all the rides that we rode, so we did not ride as many rides over all. But we still had a great time. I have not had a lot of quality time to spend with my son in long while and I was happy to spend the day with him. I’m holding these memories tight.